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MySQL free GUI tool for profiling SQL queries

MySQL free GUI tool for profiling SQL queries

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Program license: Free

Developer: Neor LLC

Version: 4.1.1

Works under: Windows


Program license

(4 votes)




Neor LLC


Works under:



  • Detailed stats on database interactions
  • Displays full code and execution time of SQL queries
  • Sorting and filtering of queries for better analysis
  • Session segregation and historical data comparison
  • Graphical representation of database load


  • Limited to MySQL databases
  • May require a learning curve for new users

Efficient SQL Profiling and Optimization Tool

Neor Profile SQL emerges as an essential software utility for developers who require detailed insights into the performance of their MySQL databases. It serves the critical purpose of analyzing application-database interactions, which is fundamental in identifying performance bottlenecks and optimizing SQL queries effectively. This tool is ingeniously designed to improve database efficiency by minimizing unneeded queries, providing an array of metrics for thorough analysis and monitoring.

Comprehensive Statistics and Metrics

Upon deployment, Neor Profile SQL offers a granular view of database utilization with total statistics on messages exchanged between the application and the database server. A standout feature of this tool is its ability to count and display all SQL queries sent by an application, furnishing developers with the opportunity to scrutinize the frequency and nature of database calls. One can effortlessly identify slow-performing queries, thanks to the inclusion of a designated feature that highlights queries with longer execution times.

Detailed Query Examination

The application's in-depth analysis extends to presenting the exact code for every SQL query. This level of detail is crucial in fine-tuning and debugging SQL statements, as developers can pinpoint the exact portions of code that may be causing performance lags. Moreover, Neor Profile SQL offers the flexibility to sort queries by processing rate, the number of return rows, or the amount of data transmitted, facilitating a more organized approach to profiling.

Session Management and Historical Comparison

Unique to Neor Profile SQL is its session management capability. Users can isolate specific sessions to focus on individual sets of queries, making the task of managing multiple streams of database interactions more manageable. Furthermore, the capacity to save and archive these sessions for future reference is invaluable for comparative analysis, enabling developers to evaluate changes and optimizations over time.

Visual Insight with Load Graphs

The provision of load graphs presents users with visual representation of the database's demand over time. Displaying these metrics in graph format allows for an intuitive understanding of performance trends and potential overload periods, which is a boon for preemptive optimization and capacity planning.

User Experience and Interface

Neor Profile SQL boasts a user-friendly interface that is both intuitive and informative. While offering a plethora of sophisticated features, the software maintains an uncluttered and navigable environment, streamlining the profiling process without overwhelming the user.


Neor Profile SQL is adept at fulfilling its purpose, delivering a robust array of profiling features tailored for MySQL databases. The tool's ability to showcase intricate details of SQL queries and track their performance metrics makes it a valuable asset in any developer's arsenal. Its profiling capabilities are further enhanced by the visually informative load graphs and session-saving functionalities, raising it above a mere analytical tool to a strategic optimization instrument.


  • Detailed stats on database interactions
  • Displays full code and execution time of SQL queries
  • Sorting and filtering of queries for better analysis
  • Session segregation and historical data comparison
  • Graphical representation of database load


  • Limited to MySQL databases
  • May require a learning curve for new users